Kyoto, Yakitori with beer so terrific !

 A YAKITORI is a casual Japanese dish using charcoal-grilled chicken skewed bamboo sticks. It can be served either sweet soy sauce or just salt.   SAPPORO and KIRIN beer make it much tastier.  This YAKITORI restaurant is closer to my KYOTO Villa.



 You finally arrive at Kyoto station by Shinkansen, bullet train.   Kyoto JR station is very busy place for tourist through the year, and even hot summer it is crowded.  Some say this design doesn't suit old traditional city Kyoto, but  I like this style. This structute was designed by famous Japanese architectuer, named HIROSHI HARA, characterized by futuristic glass and metal frame.  Inside station building, there is a classy elegant department store, named ISETAN. On the higer floors, you can enjoy restaurants.   


Kiyomizudera temple is symbolic for Kyoto, and located mountain side. Its red shrine is shinning on the summer sunset .  For more than thousanda years, this temple is gently overlooking the people and town of Kyoto from the sacred hill. 

From Kiyomizudera temple, we are going to Shin-nyodo tempel dating back to 15th century, great civil war period, named Onin-no Ran. My ancestor, named YAMANA SOZEM, lived the period, as a samurai leader in Kyoto.  Through this temple, I attended to elementaly school 60 years ago,, It is my nostalgic place,,, 


Here is my neighbor's house, that shows pretty summer flowers for passer-by. I can feel their gentle heart,,


At 8pm, August 16th, sacred great bonfire takes place on the mountain near from my house. It is believed that the deceased ancestors come back to stay their home for one week every mid August. This religious custom resembles Holy Week activities of Christian countries.  A lot of volunteer help preparing bonfire on the top of mountain with the fire hearth of character DAI, GREAT shape.  


 We are going to Yakitori restaurant before bonfire start at 8pm. It is so delicious best harmony with beer and SAKE.  I love this Yakitori house near my home, grilled bamboo skewed chicken, and my friends were so happy !  These chicken are coocked by charcoal, that's why it is so yammy!!   

At 7:30pm candle were lit in the precinct of Shin-nyodo temple meaning say-good-bye soul of deceased ancestors until next August.  We promise  we never forget great mercy to us by ancestors.   It is sais they watch us from the Buddhist heaven,,  

 Finally the great bon fire started at 8pm, and a lot of neighbors get together to say good by to our ancestors. It is believed that they can go back to their heaven to be guided by sacred bonfire of Mt. Daimonji.

 August 16th, there are five bonfire on the mountain of Kyoto City.  By clock-wise, MYO-HO, Buddism symbol words, DAI, GREAT at east and west mountains, Shrine Torii Gate.  Japanese people believe that these sacred fire connect this world with Buddhism Heaven.   The deceased soul can be guided by this fire like the light house.

Attractive summer day in Kyoto!!  It's unforgettable!!

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