Dinner with Geisha

          This picture was taken in this summer when I joined a class union party in a Japanese restaurant in Kyoto. For me, to appreciate the dancing of geisha and maiko girls was not the first time. But it was a memorable experience for me beyond my exppectation. Their dance was beautiful, and I thought their graceful existence was intangible cultural asset in a sense.

          To succeed the traditional culture and the attraction of Japan, especially Kyoto, Geisha and Maiko are indispensable person.

Yes, there is no Kyoto without Geisha and Maiko san. 

          After starting the work of professional tour guide in Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. I got so many acquaintances and information in this area. In the past, to appreciate the dancing of geisha and maiko girls was very difficult even for Japanese. But now, the situation has changed. I would like to make a new tour as you, the guests from other countries can enjoy it.  I would like you to appreciate the traditional culture and the attraction of Kyoto correctly and directly.


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