Enoden, one of the most loveable local trains in Japan

One of the oldest railways in Japan 

 Enoden, the Enoshima Electric Railway is the sixth oldest railway in Japan and has been in operation for more than 100 years. It is a single-line railway connecting Kamakura station and Fujisawa station, both entrances to major sightseeing spots in Japan popular among Japanese and overseas tourists.

Between the terminals are thirteen stops and the train runs the distance of 10 kilometers in 34 minutes, managing lots of curves and narrow places so close to hedges and yards of houses that you can almost peek in dinner tables of the families from the train windows!

Lots of places to enjoy visiting along the line

Kamakura is one of the must-visit places in Japan for its historical attractions as once the capital of Japan governed by the samurai class. After changing trains from the Yokosuka Line to the Enoden Line, if you would like to visit Great Buddha and Hase Temple, please get off at the third stop, Hase station, and to go to Enoshima Island, Enoshima station is the one.

If you get off at Inamuragasaki station, two stops away from Hase station, that's where you can enjoy great views of Sagami Bay, Enoshima Island, and Mt. Fuji on a fine day. And there are still many more places to visit and to drop by from each stop of the line.

Eye-catching designs fun to see

Every time you take the train, you'll be amazed by the varieties of the colors and painting of the carriages.

Below are some of them. 


It even turns into a streetcar !

Between Koshigoe station and Enoshima station, the train runs through a shopping street. On both sides are fish stores, super markets, seafood restaurants, an old-fashoned photo studio and many other small shops, and when the train is running on the street, all the veicles stop until it runs away. 


And If you are a Japanese anime fan,

I'm sure you know where this spot is!

Now, what about enjoying a ride on Enoden with me?





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