The Magical Lights of Tokyo (with Video)

by GoWithGuide travel specialist

This is a magical time and magical place.  Even Aphrodite herself cannot compare to this beauty. This is a Tokyo night; the magical lights of Tokyo.


When the sun goes down, city lights illuminate the entire city of Tokyo. People embrace Tokyo's nightlife in many ways; going out to eat, going on dates, and more. Many use the night to relax the mind and escape the rush of the busy work day. Salarymen take advantage of the night to go drinking at Izakaya (居酒屋-Japanese style bar). Here the strict relationship between superiors and subordinates is a little more forgiving, allowing more time to be spent on drinking beer and having a good time. At Shibuya crossing, young people dressed in the latest fashion wait for the lights - green, red, and then green again.  The mosaic of different colours and styles is well reflected in the ensemble of multi-coloured lights surrounding the area.  Not far away atop the New Tokyo City Hall you can look down and across the entire city.  It is an especially majestic scene as the sun fades away behind the distant Mount Fuji and Tokyo's city lights awaken.  Moving to Akihabara, an entirely different scene emerges as neon advertisements light up the streets, gaming arcades chime, and people bustle back and forth between shops.  Away from the congestion, Odaiba (お台場)offers a more romantic nighttime experience, with the famous Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo skyline in the background.  If that isn't enough, a cruise of sparkling Tokyo Bay is a sure way to make anyone fall in love with this beautiful metropolis. 

Wherever you may be in Tokyo, the city lights and nighttime atmosphere are sure to impress.  So next time you visit Tokyo, please spend some time to relax and enjoy the city's magical lights.    

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