Our Top 3 Private Nature Tours In Pompeii

by GoWithGuide travel specialist

Most people head to Pompeii to visit the UNESCO protected ruins of this ancient Roman city. As well as being thoroughly impressed by this archaeological marvel, most people also find themselves stunned by the breathtaking beauty of the local nature. The majestic form of Mount Vesuvius, the rolling green hills of the countryside, and the deep blue hues of the Mediterranean Sea all seem poised for a photo op.


This article will introduce you to the top 3 nature tours available in Pompeii. To save you some time, here is our top tip for planning your nature escape: hire a private guide to show you the way! Exploring national parks and navigating unfamiliar hiking trails on your own is a huge undertaking and can even put you at unnecessary risk. Take all the stress out of planning and then executing your trip by booking a private tour that ticks all the right boxes.


Vesuvio National Park


Mount Vesuvius is, of course, Pompeii's most famous resident. Towering at over 1,200 meters tall, the 79 CE eruption of this majestic volcano caused the city of Pompeii to be buried in several meters of volcanic ash. Today, the mountain stands at the heart of Vesuvio National Park which features around 54 kilometers of walking trails for visitors to explore. The park was established in 1995 to protect the area's unique flora, fauna, and biodiversity.


There are 11 walking trails to choose from at Vesuvio National Park - or, if preferred, you can bike instead. The paths vary in length, offering something for everyone, regardless of whether you are an avid hiker or not. The most unforgettable experience you can have at Vesuvio National Park is of course visiting The Great Cono - the crater of this infamous volcano. To reach the crater, follow path number 5, also known as "The Gran Cono." This trail takes around two hours to hike and provides beautiful views of the Gulf of Naples along the way. Another unique Pompeii volcano tour is path number 9 or "The River of Lava", which follows the path of the lava snaking down the mountain.


Mount Vesuvius is one of the most carefully studied volcanoes in the world, and there is a museum dedicated to the mountain's history located inside the national park as well. The museum explores the evolution of the mountain as well as detailing the unique qualities of the local flora, fauna, and soil.


Gaiola Underwater Park

Peppe Guida, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


It's impossible to miss the imposing Mount Vesuvius when visiting Pompeii. What might go unnoticed by most travelers is the vibrant marine life that's teeming underwater. Located just outside the city of Naples, the Gaiola Underwater Park is a protected marine area that's home to unique animals and plants which thrive in these unique conditions. The protected area extends to Gaiola Island, which is sometimes called the "Cursed Island" due to its murky history. Ruin and despair have been said to fall on the people who used to occupy this tiny island and the crumbling villa which still stands there.


One of the things that makes Gaiola Underwater Park so unique is that it combines marine life with archaeology. Besides the unique creatures that call these waters home, the protected park area also features submerged Roman ruins. To enjoy these unique underwater views, you can head out for a snorkeling or diving trip. Do keep in mind that these tours might only be available on specific days, so check the schedule beforehand to avoid disappointment.


There is a small beach close by from where you can head out for a swim. Be mindful of the fact that it does get crowded during the summer, so if you are traveling during peak season, don't expect to have the place to yourself. If you prefer to stay dry, you can also explore the area seated in a glass-bottomed boat, which provides direct views into the waters and ancient ruins below. 


Path of the Gods


The Regional Park of Monti Lattari is a protected area located just south of Pompeii. This area is dominated by Monti Lattari or the Lattari Mountains. The highest peak of these limestone mountains is the 1,444 meters tall Monte San Michele. Thanks to its mountainous landscape, the Regional Park of Monti Lattari offers sublime views of the Amalfi Coast and out to the Mediterranean Sea. 


The Regional Park of Monti Lattari is a great destination for anyone with a passion for the great outdoors, as this area is home to many of the most popular walking trails in Italy. The most famous of them all is the eloquently named Path of the Gods. This trail is about 8 kilometers long, and it follows ancient mule trails carved into the coastline. The views from this cliff top trail will take your breath away, with vistas looking over the rugged coastline and out to the blue hues of the Mediterranean Sea. Make sure your phone is fully charged and don't forget to bring a water bottle. There are plenty of interesting stories tied into this iconic trail. In order to get the full scoop, it's best to experience Italy's most famous hiking trail with a knowledgeable local guide


The most popular starting point is located in Bomerano. The trail finishes in beautiful Positano, with an eye watering 1,700 steps to descend to reach the coastal town! The descent is definitely not for the faint of heart (or of knee!) but don't worry - you can also make this final stretch of the trail by taking the bus instead.




While many travelers peg Pompeii only as an archaeological destination, the region actually offers amazing natural beauty and diversity for visitors to explore. The area's national and regional parks offer stunning trails to wander down, with sweeping views gazing over Mount Vesuvius and out to the Mediterranean Sea. Don't forget, there is great beauty to be discovered underwater, too! 


To uncover all the hidden gems Pompeii and the local natural landscape have to offer, get in touch with our local guides. They are experts of the local area, its history and nature, and will be delighted to introduce you to experiences that most visitors miss.

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