Our Top 3 Private Nature Tours In London

by GoWithGuide travel specialist

Apart from the flurry of activity bountiful in England’s capital, London surprises you with leafy urban areas and expansive gardens and trails. After the excitement of visiting London’s many highlights and devouring some delicious local cuisine, a calm and serene trip back to Mother Nature is definitely due.


The capital city has a variety of beautiful green spaces, and so we have made a list of our favorite nature-filled attractions for the perfect outdoor retreat. To know more about these nature tours, it is best to ask the locals. Feel free to contact our professional local tour guides to help you plan your trip. 


Richmond Park 


All across London, there are eight Royal Parks spanning a total of 5,000 acres. The largest of these royal parks, with 2,500 acres of green space, is Richmond Park. Its connection with the royal families harken back to as early as the 1300s. Although the park’s name has changed throughout the decades (the area was also called the Manor of Sheen), Richmond Park’s green and easy hills, healthy grasslands, and blooming gardens remain largely the same. 


It was Charles I in the 17th century who converted the area into a deer park. Today, the refuge is of utmost importance to wildlife conservation, as this National Nature Preserve is home to 630 free-roaming red and fallow deer. As you walk through the many paths of the park and enjoy the sight of lazy deer relaxing on the grass, you may notice a brick wall surrounding certain areas. This, too, was built by Charles I in 1637, to the local residents’ dismay, in order to keep the deer from straying too far away. The furious people were compensated by being given access to the park for walks and firewood. 


Walk up to the highest point of the park and find yourself dazzled by a magnificent Georgian mansion. As you enter Pembroke Lodge, it is only right to marvel at the view of the Thames Valley, resplendent throughout the fours seasons. Find repose in one of the Lodge’s Georgian Tearooms and sip on some English tea, just as the royals of old did. Once you are satisfied, make your way to Isabella Plantation.


Here, you will find the most unusual of plants from around the world. Indeed, this woodland garden bursts with wildlife, from bees, birds, bats, and other insects. Learn more about the amazing biodiversity in the garden when you book a walking tour. Richmond Park is quite sizable, so having a guide will aid your nature adventure immensely. 


Winkworth Arboretum


Between Godalming and Hascombe, a pristine woody hillside sits undisturbed by tourists. Winkworth Arboretum is not without its charms; a visit during any season will prove unique and unforgettable. It was the work of one Dr. Wilfrid Fox, a dermatologist respected in his field, that made Winkworth Arboretum the beauty it is today. The doctor’s objective was to bring the area to life by adding colorful autumn plants like maples and oaks. If you visit the land in the fall, you will be met by the very same vibrant reds Dr. Fox planted. 


Today, the variety of plants, both local and exotic, astounds even the most experienced of botanists. Sit by one of the cherry trees in the spring and enjoy the sweet scent wafting throughout the arbor. Relax under the cool shade of the green groves and trees in the summer. Admire the vast variety of rhododendrons and azaleas, a picturesque fall foliage for the books. Take photos of the berries and holly, bright and vibrant in contrast with the frosted trees in the winter. Truly, during whichever season you may visit, Dr. Fox’s legacy will not fail to make you merry. Not sure just when or how long you should stay in London? Ask our local guides for the perfect itinerary customized just for you! 


If you are looking for a longer trail, give your walking shoes a go at trekking Winkworth to Oakhurst, 2.5 miles (4 km) in length, showcasing the beauty of the south-west Surrey countryside. If you’re traveling with family, then an afternoon at Winkworth Arboretum's Tree Adventure will get your kids happily knackered by the end of the day. This organic play area sits amongst the grand trees and bushes of the arbor’s forests, and is a total children’s paradise with rope bridges, tunnels, and climbing areas galore. After this quirky play session, head on over to the boathouse to relax and take in the beauty Mother Nature has to offer. 


The Thames Path 


Covering a sprawling 185.2 miles (298 km), the Thames Path follows England’s most iconic river through scenic countryside, wide pastures, and unspoiled meadows. This walking trail is so beautiful it is fit for mention in novels and children’s books. The Thames Path starts in the Cotswolds, flows through the heart of London, and consists of a diverse set of walking trails, each with different views and all asserting genuine satisfaction. 


One of the shorter walks is from Marlow to Cookham, a 5 mile (8 km) trail perfect for a calm morning. Arguably the most beautiful and scenic route along the Thames, the river walk from Marlow to Cookham is beloved by locals and tourists alike.


Alight from the train at Marlow, and walk through the quaint town where time seems to have stood still. Start off your trek at Marlow Bridge, where you will meet the Thames in its Berkshire stretch. Throughout your walk, you will encounter some interesting architecture, mostly ancient and historical. Appreciate the woodlands of Winter Hill, owned by the National Trust and ending Marlow territory. Birdwatchers can observe a variety of birds in the wetlands, a breeding ground for many species. 


Once your eyes spy a bridge leading to a churchyard, you will know you are in Cookham. Follow the path towards the town and high street. While you are there, it would be best to visit the Stanley Spencer Gallery, a museum dedicated to its namesake, who was a student at Slade’s and painted wonderful biblical scenes. If you decide that you are done for the day, you can head to Cookham railway station and make your way back to London. 



Although London may not be the first place that would come to mind when thinking of picture perfect nature walks, the capital does hold amazing green spaces for quiet respite from city touring. Whether it is wide pathways in luscious gardens, or hilly arbors with fantastic views, GoWithGuide can help you create the perfect customized private tour for you. With our local guides, you are sure to enjoy your holiday without stress or anxiety. Take your nature walk pick, and we can assure you of an unforgettable adventure. 

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