Hiring A Guide In Santiago: Pros & Cons

by GoWithGuide travel specialist

Santiago Tour Guide


You know you’ve hit a travel planning roadblock when the thought of scaling the Andes Mountains sounds easier than coming up with a comprehensive Santiago de Chile itinerary. We’ve all been there. Spinning from the confusion and excitement that comes with the joy of traveling to such a mystifying yet modern city.


Do you go it alone and risk falling into “planning burnout” or do you get a Santiago tour guide despite never having had a private guided experience before? Is it even worth it? Before you get stuck in the semantics, let’s break down the good and bad of both options so that by the end of this article, you’ll know what’s best for you and your loved ones. Ready? Vamos! 


The Pros: Why A Private Guide Is A Good Idea 

Santiago de Chile is a city of layers, so whether you're exploring the depths of its historically impactful culture, or coasting within the comforts of its modernity, with a guide you will…


An infographic detailing why hiring a private guide is a good idea


  • Stay Safe: While Santiago is one of the wealthiest cities in Latin America, its daytime safety index of 58.38 is moderate, meaning that things can get hectic in the city center and downtown, especially during high tourist seasons. Want to know what the safest part of Santiago is? A local guide who knows the city’s tightest corners can help lead the way. 
  • See The City As A Local: While it’s fun, being a tourist can be limiting, especially when you want to learn the lay of the land from a local’s perspective. Hiring a private guide gives you access to knowledge about the city that doesn't always make it online.  You know what else a local guide opens you up to? Hidden gems! Tiny eating nooks along Bellavista, and walking trails past Santa Lucia await. 
  • Save Time: Not looking forward to tracking down tickets to the Sky Costanera, or figuring out how to fit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Maipo Canyon and lunch into your timeline? Using expert knowledge, a guide compiles the best of the city into an itinerary that serves you and your loved ones, while saving time on crisscrossing from one venue to the other. You’ll maximize time and, by extension, memories. 


Travel tip: Speaking of time, how much time should you spend in Santiago? With an efficient itinerary, 3–4 days in the capital city will be enough for you to see the main highlights, and a few hidden attractions along the outskirts. 


  • Understand The Language: If you’re thinking, do you really need to speak Spanish in Santiago, Chile? The answer is yes! Chilean Spanish is not like Spain’s or even Mexico’s Spanish. It has its own special twists and modifications to it, so touring with a local will better prepare you for the cultural differences that come with Chilean Spanish and Chilean living overall. 


The Cons: Yeah, Maybe A Guide Isn't For You 

As great as a guided experience can be, sometimes you’re not ready to take one on. A guide might not be for you if…


An infographic detailing why a private guided tour might not be for you.


  • You’re Counting The Cost: If you're traveling on a small budget, then a private guided tour sounds like a complete luxury. Though prices depend on where you’re going and what you’re doing, if you’re looking to stick to a clear budget, a guide will increase that.  To see our tour prices, check out the Santiago Private Tours page. 
  • You Don’t Care For Schedules: For you, waking up in the city center and taking off in any direction that calls your name is your ideal exploration method. Getting stuck in the cable car lines at San Cristóbal, or mixing up streets along downtown Santiago, doesn’t freak you out. Sticking to a set schedule does. If that’s the case, a guide is an option you should skip. 
  • You Prefer A Solo Path: If you’re a solo traveler that loves going and stopping whenever and wherever you want, being tethered to a guide that takes you along the city’s streets can seem overwhelming, and for some, intrusive. Travel should be about comfort, and if you’re at your best when you’re riding solo, a guide would only get in the way. 
  • You’re Not Ready To Commit: Okay, so you know you want to go to Santiago de Chile, right? You’ve heard about the street music masterfully played and the empanadas de pino, but you’re not really sure when you’ll touch down. Likewise, you might see some tours on our page and get excited, but unless you’re sure of your travels, it’s best to wait before you book anything concrete. 


Stuck In The Middle: Traditional Tours v.s GoWithGuide Private Tours 

Okay, so maybe you’re down for trying a guided travel experience, but you’re stuck with images of an overwhelmed guide giving directions to dozens of people at a time. That’s what traditional tours are like. With a private guide, things look a little different.


An infographic comparing traditional tours v.s GoWithGuide private tours

The Next Steps: Hiring A Guide In 3, 2...1 

Okay, so a guide is definitely in your future, but you want to know how to go about the process. We’ve got you. Hiring a guide is as easy as…


A step by step visual guide on how to hire a guide in Santiago de Chile on the GoWithGuide website


  1. Head to our Santiago private guides page and select a guide that has good reviews, has an interesting bio, or has a kind smile! It’s up to you. You can click multiple guides if you’re feeling spoiled for choice. 
  2. Alright, you’re on a guide’s profile and their bio reads like a traveler’s dream. If you see a tour you like, you can book instantly. Have some venues you want to add or remove? Simply click the blue “Message” button. 
  3. It’s time for some customization! Let your guide know your travel time, who you’ll be with, what you’d like to do, and any other preferences you may have, then hit send. And just like that, you’ve started creating your dream itinerary.


The Guide To Guides: Dos & Don'ts When On A Guided Tour 

An infographic with two dos and two dont's for when you're on a guided tour in Santiago de Chile part 1


An infographic with two dos and two dont's for when you're on a guided tour in Santiago de Chile part 1


Getting A Guide? Great! These Tours Will Get You Started 

It’s time for some fun! Let these Santiago tours inspire your itinerary. 


Images and descriptions of popular Guided Private Tours with GoWithGuide

  • Santiago de Chile: Urban Elegance Day Tour: Explore Santiago's vibrant collection of modernity and history. From the energetic markets of La Vega to the old school charm of Barrio Lastarria, immerse yourself in the heart of Chilean culture against the stunning backdrop of the Andes.
  • Valparaiso: Coastal Culture Tour: Uncover the Bohemian core of Valparaiso, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wander through its colorful streets bursting with local street art, and soak in the panoramic views of the blue Pacific Ocean. This is a city for art lovers. 
  • Maipo Canyon: Nature's Symphony In Motion: There’s nothing like a slow roll through the Maipo Canyon. Marvel at the rustic landscapes, lush, fertile vineyards, and cascading waterfalls just 1.5 hours from Santiago. Enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and horseback riding while savoring the breathtaking beauty of this natural haven.
  • Casablanca Valley: Wine Wonderland Tour: Welcome to wine country! The flavors of Casablanca Valley, Chile's renowned wine region, are perfectly infused with picturesque vineyards, and a deep history of the winemaking process. Surrounded by Chile’s relaxing hills, this valley creates a sensory experience that captures the essence of Chilean viticulture.



It’s time to make planning the simplest stage of your Santiago journey, so that you can get to the fun stuff, like taking silly pictures along the Willy Wonka-esque Paseo Bandera, of course!


Ready to make your Santiago dreams into reality? Chat with one of our Santiago tour guides today.

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