Hiring A Guide In Hungary: Pros & Cons

by GoWithGuide travel specialist

Hungary Tour Guide


So, you’re excited about traveling to Hungary and have already begun jotting down ideas for your itinerary. The mix of gothic architecture, history, warm and hearty food, ruin pubs and beautiful scenery has drawn you in, already making it a fantastic trip from the get-go, but with so many different regions to explore and activities to do, it’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed. Especially when it’s all in another language! But does that mean you need a guide?


If you’re wondering whether a Hungary tour guide works best for you and your travel plans, you’ve come to the right place. Hiring a guide in Hungary, like in many other travel destinations, has its advantages and disadvantages, so here are some pros and cons to consider:


The Pros

a graphic detailing the benefits of hiring a tour guide in an old newspaper theme/style.


Language Barriers? No Problem!

Okay, about 60% of Hungarians speak English, making it the 17th most English-proficient country in the world. However, this is predominantly in the capital, Budapest, with English being much less common in smaller towns. A tour guide can enhance your Hungarian and provide you with tips on how to pronounce words, as well as point out phrases to be on the lookout for. Language is not just verbal, but also nonverbal, and there are cues and customs that a guide will be able to teach you about.


Find Hidden Gems

Our tour guides are locals, so they can teach you about the history and heritage of locations and tell you stories you might not find in guidebooks. When on a guided hike tour in Seoul, my guide told me about how monks would head down from the mountains and sneak into the back of restaurants to eat meat, an amusing fact I never would have learned without their insight. A guide can also inform you of locations beyond tourist traps, like the Bokod Floating Houses, or the stunning town of Esztergom.


Discover Authentic Hungarian Flavors 

Okay, so you’ve heard you must try Lángos, but where do you get the fluffiest, cheesiest version? A local guide can tell you some of the best destinations for local delicacies as well as help you order dishes you want to try, making sure you know what you’re getting. I remember when I was in Hanoi, we went on a motorbike food tour, and we tried foods we never would have considered trying — it was the highlight of our trip!


Tailored Experiences

The tour guide shapes the tour for you. If you’re a female solo traveler, you can elevate your comfort by booking a female tour guide in Budapest or other towns. If you’re on limited time, inform your guide of your ideas, and they’ll reveal shortcuts or locations that might impress you more according to your interests. Hiring a guide enhances your trip by adding unique elements based on your schedule that others may not experience while in Hungary.


The Cons

We’re not ones to push a guide on you, as we know they’re not for everyone. If you relate to these points below, a private guided tour may not be for you.


The Disadvantages Of Hiring A Guide In Hungary listed in a graphic that has an old newspaper theme.



With the cost of living these days, we know that for some, hiring a guide is an extra expense added to your travel budget. While it can enhance your experience, it might not be budget-friendly for every traveler, so if you’re looking to stick to a cost plan, a private guide might increase that. To check out some of our prices, head to the Hungary private tours page. 



Relying on a guide might limit your ability to explore independently. If you enjoy the freedom of spontaneous exploration, and random chance encounters, a private guide may not be the best fit for your go-with-the-flow travel style.


Personal Compatibility

Your experience with a guide is highly dependent on the guide's personality and communication style. If there's a mismatch, it could impact your overall enjoyment of the tour. The great thing about GoWithGuide is you get to chat with a potential guide before making any commitments. Want to know how? Keep reading. 


Hiring a guide in Hungary can greatly enhance your travel experience, providing local insights and a more organized itinerary. However, it's important to weigh the added cost against the benefits and consider your personal preferences for independent exploration.


Have we made you even more confused? If you like the idea of hiring a guide but hate the thought of following along in a large group through tourist-filled attractions, we can help with that. 


How Does A GoWithGuide Private Tour Differ From A Traditional Tour?


Comparison Of Traditional Tours vs GoWithGuide Tours


Traditional Tour


  • Time Constraints: Due to the desire to cover a broad range of attractions within a limited timeframe, traditional tours in Hungary often follow a rushed itinerary. This pace can restrict the amount of time you have in each location, preventing you from immersing yourself fully in the historical, architectural or culinary delights of the city or town you’re in.
  • Crowded Spaces: Traditional tours in Hungary often focus on popular tourist hotspots, such as Budapest, Eger or Lake Balaton. While these destinations are undoubtedly fascinating, the influx of tour groups can lead to overcrowded attractions, diminishing the experience and making it challenging to appreciate the sites fully.
  • Restaurant & Dining Choices: There’s a lack of flexibility on tours, especially with food. In Hungary, there’s so much delicious food to try, and traditional tours often include pre-selected restaurants for group meals, which may not cater to your tastes or dietary preferences. This can limit your opportunity to explore Hungary's vibrant culinary scene.


GoWithGuide Private Tour


  • It’s Tailored to You: With a private tour, you have the flexibility to customize your itinerary according to your personal interests and preferences. Whether it's delving into the history of Budapest, exploring charming wine regions like Tokaj or immersing in the thermal baths of Széchenyi, the itinerary is crafted to align with your travel goals.
  • Flexible Pace of Exploration: Unlike the fixed schedules of group tours, private tours allow for a more leisurely and flexible pace. You can spend extra time at sites of particular interest, linger in charming villages, or simply savor the scenic beauty of the Hungarian countryside without feeling rushed.
  • Based on Your Schedule: If you know you’re having a late night the day before and want to sleep in, no worries! Your guide will start the tour at the time that suits you best.


So, the idea of a private guide is appealing, but how do you go about booking one? Just follow these three steps:


How To Hire A Private Guide

A 3 Step Visual Guide To Hiring A Guide In Hungary


  1. Start with our Hungarian private guides, who each have their own unique flair. Spot a profile that resonates with you? Excellent! Satisfied with the itinerary and positive reviews? Fantastic! You can secure your booking then and there.
  2. If you appreciate the tours they offer but feel like adding or removing some things, simply hit the ‘message’ button on the right side of the profile. Share information about your vision, detailing your travel companions, personal preferences and challenges, and see how they can help.
  3. So, you've communicated your unique requirements to your guide? Excellent! If schedules align and the updated itinerary, now tailored to your specifications, meets your approval, congratulations! You've just crafted a personalized travel bucket list for your Hungarian journey!


It’s Time To Explore Hungary With A Guide!

It’s been decided, a private guided tour is for you, so let’s get some Hungarian-inspired tours into your itinerary. 


A collection of Tour Ideas For Hungary with images of Hungary's most visited destination and a small text of the tour name.


  • Cold War & Communist History: For all the history lovers out there, learn about the unique sites of the Cold War and communist era of Eastern Europe, exploring monuments, railways and a forest walk, with a chance to grab something to eat and drink.
  • Pest Classical Music Tour: If you love music, how about exploring the classical music scene of Budapest, an important cultural aspect of the city? You get to experience and learn a heck of a lot in just 3.5 hours!
  • Budapest Highlights for First-Timers: Don’t know where to begin your explorations when in the capital? This walking and public transport tour allows you to see all the important sites in Budapest, such as the Széchenyi Bath, Heroes’ Square, Castle Hill and City Market Place. The guide will even meet you at your hotel!



Are you ready to start your guided tour? Contact a Hungary tour guide for regional & Budapest tours and start building your itinerary together.