Anime Paradise at Akihabara

by GoWithGuide travel specialist

Akihabara used to be the home of electronic gadgets and appliances, but is now also known as the anime capital of Japan. The place is world-known for being the ultimate place for anime, manga, and game enthusiasts. Hobby and specialty shops and cafes are mostly concentrated on Akihabara, if not Ikebukuro. Anime and manga dedicated stores such as Animate, Mandarake, K-Books, etc, have their big branches all over Akihabara. Game centers such as SEGA are also prominent in the area.


Cute young girls dressed up in maid or bunny costumes, cosplays, anime billboards and media advertisements, anime trains, anime and game-themed restaurants, cafes, and exhibits, a whole building of game centers by SEGA, anime stores, limited edition merchandise, adults only shops, and everything you can imagine.


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